Once again you really showed us

Your ability to deny affection to people in pain is awesome. Name one person who believes you've ever helped them.  Who trusts you to not disappear when the going gets tough.  Who are not permanently angry at you, and who, like you, know that they are 100% correct. 

Actually, disgusting.  You should be ashamed, though you are not capable of that.  You are always right.  Plus you're so athletic, and better than the girlfriends you fat shame (behind their backs).  The effort you put out to appear normal is wasted, because you've hurt so many people and none of them will forgive you.

Keep doing exactly what you're doing.  Assuming you live another 30 years, I figure that's maybe 60 more people who will hate your guts when you move on to your next gig. 


You owe me so much for the love I gave you.  You had nothing, and gave nothing. Could you get your RSP back from Doron and share it with us now?

Now, you live in a world of disdain...because you're a textbook narcissist. I am severely depressed and struggling with PTSD treatment.  I don't succeed at daily tasks and don't trust myself to leave my home.  

Please read, at some point, the classical indicators of debilitating PTSD.  The male version.  You'll see that I'm truly suffering with an illness that took out more suicides and victims than the Viet Cong.  Shell shock.  It's a thing.  Ghosting someone in this condition is exactly what happened to the poor kids who came back from VietNam.  This is why family is generally not admitted to mental hospitals.  They are the source of the illness.

PTSD is a real disease that ruins lives.  Not your silly Addison's disease.  Only someone as sloppy as your lawyer would refer to Addison's as "grave."  I wonder what words your lawyer would use to describe your mom's much more dangerous thyroid condition?  Anyone's guess.  

Keep doing what you're doing.




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