New York City introduces three new ways to make the City unliveable

The experts who work in City government are at it again...making things as bad as possible.   Here are some new ways that our many agencies are working against us as hard as they can:

  • Landmarks Preservation--set a new low by requiring a co-op owner to remove a story and a half of new construction a year after it was completed.   The coop happened to have a ceiling door that was used as an escape route for an underground railway station--cool, huh?   But this construction project had been passed and certified and given the go-ahead by every one, and besides, the building was private and no one has access to the old 19th Century door.  But some idiot--and I use the word kindly--found out about this after the fact and rescinded the permits.   The result?   Another year of closed sidewalks as the owner tears down what was completed.  I'm not a pro-owner kind of guy, but even I feel hurts to tear out nice new renovation and send all those construction materials to the landfill.
  • MTA--OK, wow, the MTA has torn up crosstown sidewalks throughout the city to put a new ticketing system on the busses.  It's so new, it's an outmoded version of what British Rail was using when Churchill was still in power.   The NYC system is even stupider--if you get the now-required pass to ride your chosen bus, it doesn't work anywhere else.  So, if you're poor, you'll be arrested.   Has any one at the MTA ever heard of the word "app?"   They have them, you know.   
  • NYC Parks and of course Central Park Conservancy--CPC's mission is to buy vehicles and fencing, so they're pretty much on plan yet again this year.   Dudes--pull out your landscaping guides and note that "park" does not equal "lawn."  Have you all lost your marbles?   Let us have our Park back, and focus your efforts on Westchester, where you belong.  The sound you hear is Olmsted puking.
  • Our cops--bonus round.   New York is one of the best bicycling cities in the world, thanks to new bike lanes and (mostly) access to the George Washington Bridge.  So what do the cops do?  Drive up Riverside Drive on Sunday morning around 8, and you'll see  a police presence that equals their efforts to crush anti-Trump rallies.  Why?   Because it's the main bicycling route out of the City.   So, the cops are stopping bikes, routing them into traffic, and generally harassing any one on two wheels.  These slobs have never mastered bike riding so of course they don't realize that THEY are the safety hazard.   


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