Aren't the Iranians cute? Let's send them weapons again!

We're currently being fed a propaganda campaign at the most preposterous level as a smokescreen for the fact that the cold warriors in power in DC can't figure out what to do with an out-of-control Saudi Arabia other than bulk up the military power of Iran.  So....who cares if Iran joins us in having nuclear weapons.   We now need them to have more!

I'm scared.  It's hard not to compare this period to the anxious days around the Cuban missile crisis in 1962.   Yes, because North Korea is up to something.   But primarily, after the chest-thumping between Iran and Saudi Arabia that started a month ago, because the U.S. has decided that Iran is really cute.

Do not believe for a moment the US announcements that Iran is (surprisingly) compliant or complacent--both claims we made when we ended the trade restrictions this week.   Nor should you believe how good the food was for the 10 sailors who apologized for stumbling into Iranian waters so they could be feted by those really nice Iranian military guys.   What a happy time we had in the cute little prison while they fixed our motor!

Nor should you believe that the  lifting of sanctions and the coincident super-generous and friendly (look at the nice outfits every one is wearing!) release of a pastor, a cultural journalist, and three others, is anything other than a "look at the shiny object" feint.

What did Iran do first?   They bought 114 Airbus long-range jets--as if they thought of this on Wednesday and ordered on Thursday.   This is more jets than United Airlines has ordered in the last two years--I'm just thinking these aren't designed to provide better travel services between Tehran and Ankara.

If this escalates, we will have the fourth straight U.S. led conflict where U.S. weapons are firing at other U.S. weapons.   Every one now describes the Iraq invasions as perhaps the worst foreign policy mistakes of the last century, if not U.S. history.   Why on earth are we doing the same thing again now.   Do NOT start shipping even more U.S. weapons into Iran, you idiots.


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