Guiliani continues case study in how to devalue your brand

Bright-shiny-object of the second: Guiliani says truth is not truth.   Every since Rudy reemerged from the dustbins of celebrity, he's been short a few brain cells.  But, since he's a celebrity, he can't stop sharing his impairment.

Recall that his first effort to ride on Trump's celebrity machine was his insipid and manic assertion that he represented Don in the Stormy Daniels' non-disclosure fee.  It's hard to know.   Trump had corrected Guiliani three times by tweet in the first 24 hours of Rudy's cool new client engagement (has the White House actually written any checks to Rudy?   Wow, that's pretty low value for taxpayer dollars.   He's senile!). 

I've never loved the Guiliani brand.   Most people forget about his admirable U.S. Attorney career where he really did get some bad guys (remember the Pizza Connection RICO trial?   No one outside Guiliani's office ever used RICO as effectively since, as the Galahad's sword it was intended to be.).

He became the face of New York City healing after 9/11, which I thought was a shame.  A trained chimpanzee could have won the hearts of America on September 12, 2001.   We were in pain and confusion.   Guiliani happened to be there, and took too much credit for soothing our aching hearts. 

Anyway, he's had health issues but has stayed sort of relevant, in the way fringe is to living room pillows.  Now he's back.   If you were accused of a crime, and Rudy showed up to defend you, would you feel better?   Is Trump so stupid that he feels better having some one so clearly incapacitated claim to be his counsel (PS Trump can't spell "counsel"--perhaps that's why he's working with an idiot).   

Back to Trump and the mediocre-branded Guiliani.    Trump is so far beyond the pale and so irretrievable.   A lost cause.   He lives in a world of  fake tits on all those corporate jets.  Paid for by us, in consumer prices and in lower paychecks and in lower hedge fund returns.  

Stormy Daniels and Rudy Guiliani are now built into the price of being a citizen.  Over-priced and meaningless brands.  


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