Donald Trump masturbates while contemplating his own heroism

Trump gives any one with a brain something new to contemplate every day.   I know this makes him happy.   He's definitely a guy from the "any attention is good attention" school of adolescent behavior.

Today, it's his announcement that he'd rush in to any school to stop violence and save every one.

Donald, you are an affront to yourself.  You--now--sitting in your office chair this very moment--COULD rush in and save children by doing something.   You could.   Instead, you do diddlysquat, and talk about a hypothetical future you'll never experience.

You will never save a child.   You don't have what it takes to "rush in."   You're too out of shape, and it would take you too long to get your pants buckled up after playing with yourself if another armed guy showed up on your doorstep.  Even if he (it'll always be a he) sent you a Facebook message first, like this last guy.   You're a disgrace to being male.

First, I'd like to comment that I've climbed Everest.   I haven't done it, and will never try because I'm afraid of heights--but you can't prove me wrong.   Similarly, Trump will never be in a situation where he's forced to react.  Can you imagine a worse guy in a tight situation?   He's not self-aware, he's big and fat and clumsy, and he's unable to stop drawing attention to himself.   Excuse me but I'd rather have Donald Duck next to me when I'm in a foxhole or huddled under basement stairs trying to survive violence.

Second, once again, you've made school shooting number 243 about you.   It's not about you.

Third, your bombast implies that "rushing in" would solve anything.   We've got 50 years of post-Viet Nam military history (not to mention, for instance, our violent invasion of Cuba, the Philippines, or Hawaii early in the 20th Century) as hard evidence that whenever any one--and particularly any one from the United States--"rushes in," it's a wasteful bloodbath that generates world hatred.  Remember, our soldiers are still falling daily on the graves of British soldiers from the last four hundred years--and elsewhere, of course.

Forth, claiming unfounded heroic stature endorses gun owners who, for the first time in their lives, are actually being assigned responsibility for their unique violence, entitled by an Amendment that says all of us are above the law.  No other country on the planet--zero--has a Second Amendment.   Our Constitution is an error-filled piece of crap, but every other country that used any of it at least edited out this homicidal typo.

The Canadians and Australians aren't like us:   they're laughing at us, and not all that concerned any more if we keep killing ourselves.   We've been doing it so long, and when we don't shoot ourselves, we turn our murderousness away from the other hapless cultures who can't get out of our way.

Keep committing suicide (half of the gun deaths in the US are suicides, so watch out, you NRA guys--you're next and that's your own hand on the trigger).   Better than killing us while we enjoy our afternoon tea in Perth, or Vancouver.

Violence defers magnified violence.   It doesn't stop, reduce, or attenuate violence.   You kill, you get killed.   Oh--except for Donald.   He's going to be somewhere else when the shit hits the fan.

I'm sorry, Don, but it's important to me to end this entry with an ad hominem attack on you:  you are a scum sucking slime ball.


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