In New York, it's OK to throw away your vote

OK, the Occupy Wall Street folks have all been arrested.   And the Republican candidates are all doing everything they can to mimic the stupidity of George Bush--poster child number 1 for the fact that you can't get elected president from the Republican side of our little political system here in the States if you can correctly use a sentence with punctuation somewhere in the middle.  (Perry can't count to three?   Have you all forgotten W???)

All of which is enough to make any one with radical or progressive tendencies start to discuss the need to elect Obama.   Blah blah blah.   It makes me glad to live in New York where he'll likely win, so I can actually vote for some one with a vision and capability.   So, to all my friends who are going to start wearing Obama buttons again soon, let me remind you:

  1. He's bailed out Goldman Sachs to the tune of over a billion a month, and has done such a bad job of economic leadership that it's now a recognized trope to say "the 99%."  Neither Reagan or the two Bushes could come anywhere near that accomplishment.   I assume they'd be in awe (if they were aware that such an emotion existed outside of relations with imaginary bible friends).
  2. All of our 401k plans have gotten smaller during his term, continuing the current cycle into its 12th year (and don't try going for no-risk investments--they've also been stripped of value).
  3. He's done absolutely nothing on the environment.  Remember Kyoto?  Wasn't there some sort of, like, international leadership on this issue we could have supported?  Ah, never mind.
  4. We're still at war--and the Republicans, I'll even admit, are more likely to get us out since they at least seem to see that we're bankrupt (not because they care about invading other countries as a way of voiding oil contracts).
  5. Don't get me started on protecting the health insurance companies.
  6. Has any one even mentioned the secret branches of our militaristic country?   This is a bozo who couldn't even close Guantanamo.   Do you think he's done a single thing about all our private military forces we pay for but don't know about?  Obama!   Any one home?
  7. He's continued a foreign policy that can loosely be described as "assassinate bad guys."   Where was the part where he said "the United States does not condone murder without trial?"  You may not, Obama, but I still have faith in the rule of law.
  8. By my count, eight countries have had semi-democratic rebellions during the later part of Obama's term.   Do we have a better relationship with a single one of them?   Do we have ANY relationship with at least six of them?
  9. Corn subsidies.   Oil/gas subsidies.   Financial institution monopoly.   Didn't we used to have federal agencies that monitored abuses here?  Can you remember their acronyms any longer?
  10. Science and arts policy leadership.   Ha.   Not on a single agenda.  Ever.   Bush tore these areas to shreds, removing the last hint of cabinet level input.   And Obama has done...nothing.
So, one of the greatest things about living in New York is that I can vote for some one who isn't an idiot.  Even if Obama can correctly identify a comma. 


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