
Showing posts from December, 2021

Verizon doesn't even try very hard to steal your personal data

 Here's an example of a predatory, abusive use of positive option invasions of privacy.  It has all the elements--based around a failed attempt to position data theft as a customer benefit.  Aren't you ashamed to work for a company like this? They've been doing this all along, of course.  This is just an attempt to cover over the illegalities under some state privacy laws.    Introducing Verizon Custom Experience.    It’s your experience, tailored to your interests. Hi David, At Verizon, we believe being America’s most reliable network comes with a responsibility to safeguard and protect your information. Your privacy is important to us, and we want to let you know about a new choice you have regarding how we use your information. We’d like to introduce Verizon Custom Experience, a program designed to provide you more personalized experiences with Verizon. You will be part of Custom Experience unless you opt out.     How it works The program uses information about websites

Best films of COVID 2020...Wonder Woman 1984 is not the absolute worst.

Maybe this is the year that the film distribution model will change. The movie theater distribution network  has supported the big distributors and kept indie films hidden from nearly all viewers.  I won't miss it--though most of my friends still seem to long for the days of sticky seats and a very limited slate of major theater releases.  Could we at least have hybrid?  If COVID taught us anything, it's an awareness of how limited we've been by the six-plex model.   Here's what I have from the year COVID changed everything, including the film industry.  I'd like to thank Netflix.  It's been the central lifeline for so many of us as we struggled to replace our personal panoplies of cultural options.  The weight transferred to, essentially, one provider.  Netflix--you pulled through for us in 2020.  Best films of 2020 Nomadland-- it would be sufficient if the only thing this movie did was introduce you to your new mentors: Linda May, Swankie, and Bob Wells. B

The top 27 films of 2018--current ranking (and the worst films of 2018 afterwards)

I have a preference for complex characters who are not dressed up Hollywood style, in narratives that offer surprises or challenge genres.   If you agree, you'll love these movies as much as I do. Rolling ranking of top films of 2018, including two that start with "I am Not..." BlackkKlansmen-- there's so much to love about this film.   First, Spike Lee has once again done something wonderful after a period of what appeared to be intentionally amateurish efforts (OK, some would argue that he went off a cliff after the Original Kings of Comedy in 2000.  Anyway, it's been a long time.)   Then there's Denzel Washington's son, John David Washington, who acts as well as, and dances better than, his dad.  And there's the politics--in this happy story, the 1972 versions of the Charlottesville supremicists actually blow themselves up while trying to assassinate the black student leader at Colorado College.  And Adam Driver at his most wonderful--"I&