
Showing posts from May, 2021

Hertz and Delta provide new case studies of meaningless customer service

Hertz must be receiving complaints about their current COVID-influenced price gouging.  How can you tell? Like other low-service organizations, they've started sending emails about how great their customer service is.  A new website (meaningless),  A new customer service protocol (so you can spend more time on hold waiting for an automated attendant). And other stuff I already forgot and don't care about. Instead, here's what I care about:  the weekend per day rental on a Ford Focus is $330.  That's half the price of the car!   So, I have a message for Laura Smith, Executive Vice President, Global Sales, Marketing & Customer Service.  Could you try a little harder? Please, stop insulting your Gold customers with the idea that you're investing in human contact.  Even the email telling us how great you are ends with "don't respond to this email.  We don't monitor this inbox." Hertz Hertz Hertz.  Aren't you embarrassed?  Probably not...and any