
Showing posts from November, 2020

It can't be a conspiracy if everyone knows

 How can 85% of Republican voters believe that there's a deep state "conspiracy" to unseat Trump.  Who are they picturing?  Hillary in a deep bunker (surrounded by a bunch of sex slave pre-teens????) with three other socialists pulling levers and saying things like "HHHHAAAAA!  Now vee gott heem!" There's not a Democrat in the country who hasn't said, outloud and in public, 100 times or more, that Trump is the biggest loser they've ever known, and they'd do anything to get anyone with a brain in power. A few people tried to give Trump the benefit of the doubt after he won in 2016.  That lasted four minutes until he tried to open his mouth and began to degrade the value of the universe from his new podium. So, we shifted into descriptors immediately: Trump is an asshole Trump is fat Trump has an IQ of 11 on a good day Trump has a vocabulary of 200 words Trump wrecks everything he touches Trump is a failed business loser who has screwed over everyo

McKinsey--right where you'd expect them: across the table from the Sacklers, getting us hooked on opioids

Here's a blurb from Medley 238.  My thanks to author Nat Eliason for alerting me to this analysis, even if the conclusion is well known.  Of course McKinsey was the prime advisor to the Sacklers while they were pushing oxycontin.   How does McKinsey stay out of jail?  The law firms and CPA firms who advise criminals get nailed.  Remember Arthur Andersen? Here's Eliason's summary, including his link to the original reporting.      The World of Opiates      💊 Another bombshell insight into how McKinsey helped Purdue "turbocharge" opiate sales  came out last week . Apparently McKinsey suggested they give opiate distributors a rebate for every overdose attributable to the opiates. Don't worry if you kill anyone, you'll get your money back!  ➕ They were even kind enough to do the math for how much money this might mean:  "The presentation estimated how many customers of companies including CVS and Anthem might overdose. It projected that in 2019, for exam

My wifi is working, but Safari is "offline."

I upgraded to Big Sur a few days ago, and then used my VPN.  I don't know what happened but I lost all ability to connect to our wifi.  The problem was far beyond "reboot the router." Fortunately, the geeks on the web saved me again.   As item number 12 on a list of solutions I found, here's the answer.  Once I deleted these files, my Mac sprung back to life, all the lights lit up, and I was back in business.  Thank you! 12. Delete Preference Files Deleting all preference wireless setting plist files may help you fix this problem. Here is how: Turn off Wi-Fi. Go to the Finder. Click Go and Go to Folder (or hit Command+Shift+G). Enter the following: /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ Locate the following files: NetworkInterfaces.plist preferences.plist Now you may want to create a folder and drag them to this folder (so you will have these files so you

TD Bank Renegs on Commitment Letter and Tries to Hide Behind Unreasonable Document Requests

Like many families, we've applied for a refi on our New York City apartment.  The refi is for an amount equal to approximately 28% of the appraised value.  This seems like a pretty safe transaction since so many people we know have financed up to 100% of appraised value in the last six months.  Rates are low and it's a good time to move cash out of real estate in a bad market. Here's the latest message I received from the mortgage banker I've been working with for 50 days. (I submitted all or most of these documents six weeks ago, got a Commitment Letter, and then that letter was shockingly cancelled this week.  The Bank has now offered me an alternative solution with significant points, closing costs, a higher interest rate, and significantly worse terms.  I think the banking term for this behavior is "larceny." Plus, lots of fun photocopying so that I can pay extra points, interest, and principal compared to TD Bank's signed Commitment Letter they failed