
Showing posts from September, 2019

Today's OMG seconds with the imbecile Trump

I suppose all these single "oh my god" moments do some sort of further damage, but we're already so debauched I find it hard to get very much more than amusement from the continued daily confirmations.  The USA is a totally corrupt state apparatus lead by an idiot. The CIA is denying that they have any spies in Russia in response to the fact that Trump inadvertently outed their number one asset who then had to be whisked away under cloak of pollution or darkness or whatever—who cares, we don’t have a clue what Russia is doing anyway.  Hey--you guys in the CIA--you kinda missed the Ukraine.   And how about glasnost?   All that money and what were you doing?  Masturbating?  Or writing further denials?   I certainly don't get an ounce of value from your work, and I wish you'd stop.  I feel less safe knowing you're out there in your weird black shoes...  Even better, after Trump tweeted last week that Hurricane Dorian was going to hit Alabama, the NOAA ca

Testosterone may make us different

Testosterone is in the courts these days, mostly as those with financial and performance interests in athletics try to figure out the math of two genders turning into the sliding scales of identity. In a major litigation, families of women competing for college scholarships have sued, claiming trans athletes are taking their hard-won spots (Title IX is not that old, and is still contested on whether it's achieved fairness--perhaps trans athlete needs will damage it as all the extra burden falls on the women covered by the rules). And, there are competitive complaints.   If you're an athlete who regularly won every event you entered, and now you're finishing third--it really matters if you believe your competitors belong in the race with you.   Men don't have to worry about this; only women athletes do. And, there's testosterone.   Various bodies are considering whether genetic women with high levels of testosterone should be kept out of major events.   Some at