
Showing posts from April, 2019

What's the difference between Mueller and the Russians--and Trump and Israel?

Our attorney general is testifying to our federal legislators about whether Russia interfered in the 2016 elections by posting goofy messages on Facebook. Meanwhile, Trump announces, within three days of the Israeli election, that: The Iranian national army is a "terrorist organization," which I assume gives the CIA and Mossad carte blanche to assassinate Iranian soldiers with drones or whatever, and We're happy if Israel ignores international law (as the US does every day) and (more) formally takes the West Bank. I'm hoping some one reads this post and can explain to me why social media posts are "collusion" and "interference," while covert assassinations and illegal annexation are "policy decisions."   When we do dreadful things, it's fine.   When other people use Facebook, it's criminal?   Say what? Why would any one from ANY country other than the US--and any political group other than Netanyahu's conservative