
Showing posts from March, 2019

The other 99%? Try moving the decimal six places to the right!

Oxfam just published their annual report on wealth.   Stop for a second and reflect on the following statement before you proceed: In 2016, 61 billionaires controlled half of the world’s wealth, then in 2017 that number was 43, before becoming 26 in 2018. Think about it.   You could probably name a third of the people on this list without struggling very much. This was too much in 2016, and the acceleration is a blot on civilization.   Not just because policies that allow this kind of obscene profiteering should be embarrassing to the owners, but because the bottom half's income dropped 11% a year during this period.   Poor people are getting poor very. very quickly and they now include the mainstream.   Visit Paris on Saturday to see the Gilet jaune in all their anger and fear.   Why aren't you out there marching with them?   You've lost 11% in the last year too! Meanwhile, what's our plan?   Build a wall to keep out unemployed citizens from the rest of our con