
Showing posts from October, 2016

The most amazing week of culture--or why I live in New York City

We had the most amazing week last week--"home run" performances across the board that left us buzzing.   It started with Chicken People , one of the most affirming films I've seen, focusing primarily on four individuals whose passion is chicken shows (think Best in Show  without the sardonic wry humor--these are wonderful needy people deserving of great respect, just like the rest of us). Then we saw Taylor Mac (not his 24-hour marathon but the session on the 60's and the 70's).   You need to see a Taylor Mac show, and not just because you'll never hear Born to Run or Gloria or Hard Rain's Gonna Fall  (did Taylor Mac know that the Nobel Prize for Literature was coming?) the same way again.   Mostly, it's because there's no other performer who asks you to participate and role play along with him (he wants to be referred to in the masculine, I believe?).   During the show we watched, all of us were racists, gay, sluts, and a bunch of other stripe