
Showing posts from May, 2015

Final result: FIFA 14, the US Justice System nil

The rest of the world, other than the isolated US, understands that FIFA are crooks.   It's a running joke--even when lives are at stake. So now the U.S. enacts the questionable set of racketeering laws it uses whenever it feels like stripping non-U.S. citizens living outside of the country of their civil and legal rights. The result:  FIFA leaders are in some jail in the US, apparently in Brooklyn where there's a reasonable smattering of soccer, but none at the professional level.  My guess is that the rest of the world is now rooting for FIFA over our justice system.   FIFA 14, US nil. Good news--the 14 are (probably) not in Guantanamo. Bad news, three of the four top execs in jail are--surprise--black (the fourth is Ecuadorian).  We love to jail black people here. These FIFA extraditions take the eyes of the Justice Department off the battle on police behavior including the new very-fragile Cleveland police ruling. I'm appalled.  Here's why: It is not the